1031 Clinical Study of an In-office Whitening System With and Without Light Procedures Utilizing a Split-arch Design

B. MAGGIO1 , J.P. BOWMAN2 , H. FELIX3 , L. BORDEN2 , and S. MASON4 , 1 Hill Top Research, Miamiville, OH, USA, 2 Hill Top Research Inc, Miamiville, OH, USA, 3 Discus Dental, Culver City, CA, USA, 4 HillTop Research Inc, West Palm Beach, FL, USA

Objectives: To compare the whitening/bleaching efficacy of Discus Dental Zoom™ Chairside System (25% hydrogen peroxide whitening gel) with and without, the Zoom ™ Light activator using the Vita® Shade guide.

Methods: The study was an examiner-blind, split arch, randomized and controlled clinical trial conducted in a dental setting. All subjects signed a study consent form prior to admission and were given Crest Regular Toothpaste and an Oral B-40 straight handle toothbrush to use during the study. Subjects received a supragingival prophylaxis followed by a screening eligibility Vita® Shade assessment from which 12 subjects were selected. At baseline, all six maxillary anterior teeth were assessed with the Vita® Shade guide. Subjects were assigned to one of the two treatment groups and had three applications of their assigned product following the manufacturer's instructions for the product. Following completion of the treatment phase and on post treatment days 1 and 7, a visual examination of the condition of the oral soft tissues together with a Vita® Shade assessment on maxillary anterior teeth were completed.

Results: At the termination of the study the statistical analysis of the Vita Shade scores indicated that both products significantly (p < .0001) lightened the color of the teeth. The average improvement was between 6 and 11 shade changes. Additionally, the Zoom™ Chairside System with the Zoom ™ Light activator was significantly better than the product without the light at all time points; posttreatment (p < 0.003); Day 2 (p < 0.0001); Day 7 (p < 0.0002). This difference was between 1 and 2 shade changes.

Conclusions: These results confirm that although the 25% hydrogen peroxide whitening gel clearly whitens/bleaches the teeth, the presence and use of the Zoom ™ Light activator significantly enhances the performance (whitening/bleaching) ability of the system.

Seq #133 - Whitening 11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Friday, 14 March 2003 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Exhibit Hall C


0614 SonicareToothbrush Whitening Effect after Bleaching Treatment


1801 A Comparative Study of Four At-Home Tooth Whitening Products