Ozone Research Center References 01
Papers presented by our center in the last World Ozone Congresses of the International Ozone Association (IOA)
The Ozone Research Center of Cuba has participated in all the Ozone World Congresses in the last 17 years and is a corporate member of the International Ozone Association (IOA) since 1995.
The following papers were presented in the last Ozone World Congresses:
17th Ozone World Congress, August 22 - 25, 2005, Strasbourg (France)
Bataller M., Véliz E., Fernández L.A., Henández C., Álvarez C. and Sánchez E. "Secondary Effluent Treatment with Ozone", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Curtiellas V., Gutiérrez M., Sánchez E., Fernández I., Baluja Ch., Bataller M., Rodríguez S. and Oncheta O. "Characterization of E. coli cell lysis by ozone", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Véliz E., Llánez J.G., Fernández L.A., Bataller M., Hernández C., Fernández I. and Álvarez C. "Evaluation of a wastewater treatment technology for water reuse", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Calunga J.L., Zamora Z.B., Borrego A., Del Río S., Barber E., Menéndez S., Hernández F., Montero T. and Taboada D. "Ozone Therapy on Rats Submitted to Subtotal Nephrectomy: Role of Antioxidant System", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
León O.S., Martínez G. Al-Dalain S.M., Candelario E., Carmona A.M., Menéndez S., Re L. and Giuliani A. "Ozone treatment reduces markers of oxidative and endothelial damage in an experimental diabetes model in rats", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Borrego A., Zammora Z., González R., Romay Ch., Menéndez S., Hernández F., Berlanga J. and Montero T. "Ozone/oxygen mixture modifies the subcellular redistribution of Bax protein in renal tissue from rats treated with cisplatin", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Zamora Z.B., Borrego A., López O.Y., Delgado R., González R., Menéndez S. Hernández F., and Schulz S. "Effects of ozone oxidative preconditioning on TNF-a release and antioxidant-prooxidant intracellular balance in mice during endotoxic shock", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
León O.S., Peralta C., Roselló-Catafau J., Candelario E., Carmona A.M., Ajamieh H.H., Martínez G., Menéndez S., Giuliani A. "Ozone oxidative preconditioning: a protective mechanism against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Turrent L., Mach&iiacuate;n V., Menéndez S., Palmón M.T. and González L. "Ozone therapy and laser puncture in the treatment of sudden deafness", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
León O.S., Ajamieh H.H., Martínez G., Candelario E., Carmona A.M., Menéndez S., Re L. and S., Giuliani A. "Effects of ozone oxidative preconditioning on nitric oxide generation and cellular redox balance in a rat model of hepatic ischemia/reperfusion", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
León O.S., Ajamieh H.H., Belanga J., Merino N., Martínez G., Candelario E., Carmona A.M., Menéndez S., Giuliani A. and Re L., "Role of protein sysnthesis in the protection conferred by ozone oxidative preconditioning in hepatic ischemia/reperfusion", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
León O.S., Ajamieh H.H., Martínez G., Candelario E., Carmona A.M., Menéndez S., Giuliani A. and S., Re L. "Similar protective effect of ischemic and ozone preconditionings in liver ischemia/represfusion injury", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Díaz M.F., Hernández R., Martínez G., Vidal G., Gómez M., Fernández H. and Garcés R. "Comparative stdy of ozonized olive oil and ozonized sunflower oil", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Martínez G., Arteaga M., Garcés R. and Díaz M.F., "Physicochemical characteristics of ozonized theobrom oil", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Ledea O.E., González M., Hernández C., López A., Moleiro J., Díaz M. and Rosado A. "Spectrophotometric determination of the aldehydes content in ozonized sunflower oil", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Menéndez S., León O.S., Al-Dalain S.M., Martínez G., Álvarez H. and Fernández J.I. "Ozone medical applications in patients with diabetic foot", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Hernández C., Fernández L.A., Bataller M., López A., Véliz E., Ledea O., Álvarez C. and Besada V. "Cyclophosphamide Degradation by Ozone under Advanced Oxidation Process Conditions", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
Fernández L.A., Véliz E., Hernández I., Pérez C., García L., Padrón S., Pérez-Rey R. and Bataller M. "Pharmaceutical Wastewater Ozonation at Industrial Scale", Proc. of the 17th Ozone World Congress, (Strasbourg, France: International Ozone Association, 2005).
16th Ozone World Congress, August 31 - September 5, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada (U.S.A.)
Díaz M.F., Gavín J.A., Ledea O. and Hernández F. "Spectroscopic Characterization of Ozonated Sunflower Oil", Proc. of the 16th Ozone World Congress, (Las, Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 2003).
Díaz M.F., Nuñez N., Quincose D. and Díaz W. "Physical-Chemical Characterization of Ozonized Coconut Oil", Proc. of the 16th Ozone World Congress, (Las, Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 2003).
Fernández L. A., Véliz E., Bataller M., Amador A., Hernández C., Mora C., Pérez C., Álvarez C., Baluja Ch. and Sánchez E. "Development and Evaluation of Domestic Ozonators for Water Treatment", Proc. of the 16th Ozone World Congress, (Las, Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 2003).
Hernández C., Bataller M., Aquino A., Gutiérrez M., Pérez C., Véliz E., López A., Curtiellas V., Baluja Ch. and Álvarez C. "High Quality Water Production for Pharmaceutical Use by Ozone Treatment", Proc. of the 16th Ozone World Congress, (Las, Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 2003).
15th Ozone World Congress, September 2001, London (United Kingdom)
Fernández L.A., Pérez Rey R., Rodríguez M., Véliz E., Alvarez C. and. Baluja Ch. "Kinetics of cane sugar liquors decoloration by ozone", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), Vol. II, pp. 402-409.
Bataller M., Veliz E., Lodos D., Fernandez L.A. and Alvarez C. "Modeling hydrodynamics and estimation of design parameters of ozone bubble column", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), Vol. III, pp. 165-173.
Ajamieh H.H., Menéndez S., Merino N., Sam S., León O.S. "Ischemic and ozone oxidative preconditioning in the protection against hepatic ischemic-reperfusion injury", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 40-51.
Zamora Z.B., Menéndez S., Bette M., Mutters R., Hoffmann S. and Schulz S. "Ozone prophylactic effect and antibiotics as a modulator of inflamatory septic process in rats", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 54-62.
Turrent J. and Menéndez S. "Ozone therapy: experiences in critically ill patients", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 97-104.
Copello M., Eguía F., Menéndez S. and Menéndez N. "Ozone therapy in patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 117-130.
Hernández F., Alvarez I., Corcho I. and González M. "Changes in glutathione antioxidant pathway components, HLA-DR and IgE in blood from asthma patients treated with ozone therapy", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 131-141.
Al-Dalien S.M., Menéndez S., Martínez G., Fernández-Montequín J.I., Candelario E.J. and León O.S. "Ozone therapy effects in the oxidative stress associated to Diabetes Mellitus", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 163-174.
Díaz M.F., Gavín J.A., Hernández F. and Díaz W. "Effect of a-ocopherol during in vitro ozonation of methyl linoleate. Its implication in ozone therapy", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 183-190.
Gutiérrez M.S., Lezcano I., Baluja Ch. and Sánchez E. "Ozone inactivation kinetics of multiple antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria in water", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 208-218.
Del Río S., Barber E., Menéndez S., Concepción A. and Bacallao J. "Ozone: a possible agent that delays the chronic renal failure", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 282-290.
Montero T., Menéndez S. and Hurtado J. "Multiple organ injury evolution in an experimental model of burn mice treated with ozone therapy and Aloe b", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 291-302.
Calunga J.L., Barber E., Menéndez S., Merino N., Cruz E. "Ozone biological response in kidney of rats submitted to warm ischemia", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 303-313.
Jardines D., Ledea O. and Zamora Z. "Ozonized unsaturated triglycerides as precursors of urinary dicarboxylic acids", Proc. of the 15th Ozone World Congress: Medical Therapy Conference, (London, United Kingdom: International Ozone Association, 2001), pp. 363-378.
14th Ozone World Congress, August 1999, Deadborn, Michigan (U.S.A.)
Díaz R., Menéndez D. and Tabares F. "High frequency ozone generation system", Proc. of the 14th Ozone World Congress, (Deadborn, Michigan, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 1999), Vol. 1, pp. 195-202.
Fernández L.A., Márquez A., Amador A., Lezcano I. and Alvarez C. "Ejectors for drinking water treatment", Proc. of the 14th Ozone World Congress, (Deadborn, Michigan, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 1999), Vol. 1, pp. 597-605.
Bataller M., Pérez Rey R., Véliz E., Fernández L.A., Gutiérrez M., Márquez A. and Pérez C. "Ozone swimming pool water treatment under tropical conditions", Proc. of the 14th Ozone World Congress, (Deadborn, Michigan, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 1999), Vol. 2, pp. 533-538.
Lezcano I., Pérez Rey R., Gutiérrez M.S., Baluja Ch. and Sánchez E. "Ozone inactivation of microorganims in water. Grampositive bacteria and yeast", Proc. of the 14th Ozone World Congress, (Deadborn, Michigan, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 1999), Vol. 2, pp. 539-544.
Ledea O.E., Correa T.M., Méndez E.E., Molerio J., Jardines D., Rosado A. and Escobar M. "Volatile components of ozonized sunflower oil "OLEOZON®", Proc. of the 14th Ozone World Congress, (Deadborn, Michigan, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 1999), Vol. 2, pp. 557-565.
Díaz M., Lezcano I., Molerio J., Hernández F., Castañeda D. and Gómez M. "Spectroscopic separation and characterization of ozonides with biological activity", Proc. of the 14th Ozone World Congress, (Deadborn, Michigan, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 1999), Vol. 2, pp. 567-575.
González I., Pérez Rey R. and Baluja Ch. "Ozonolysis of cinnamic acid in water medium", Proc. of the 14th Ozone World Congress, (Deadborn, Michigan, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 1999), Vol. 2, pp. 633-638.
Pérez Rey R., Padrón A.S., García L. and Baluja Ch. "Ozonation of cytostatics in water medium II. Alkylating drugs", Proc. of the 14th Ozone World Congress, (Deadborn, Michigan, U.S.A.: International Ozone Association, 1999), Vol. 2, pp. 639-643.
13th Ozone World Congress, October 1997, Kyoto (Japan)
Ledea O., Díaz M., Molerio J., Jardines D., Rosado A. and Correa T. "Comparative 1H-NMR study of oleic acid and methyl oleate ozonation in a bubbling reactor", Proc. of the 13th Ozone World Congress, (Kyoto, Japan: International Ozone Association, 1997), Vol. 1, pp. 289-294.
Bataller M., Rus E., Martínez de la Cuesta P. and Pérez Rey R. "Determination of design parametes in ozone bubble columns", Proc. of the 13th Ozone World Congress, (Kyoto, Japan: International Ozone Association, 1997), Vol. 1, pp. 375-380.
Fernández L.A., Pérez Rey R., Bataller M., Rámos R., Lodos J. and Baez S. "Ozone as decolorizing agent of sugar industry liquors", Proc. of the 13th Ozone World Congress, (Kyoto, Japan: International Ozone Association, 1997), Vol. 1, pp. 463-468.
Pérez Rey R. Padrón A.S., García L., Martínez M. and Baluja Ch. "Ozonation of citostatics in water medium. Nitrogen bases", Proc. of the 13th Ozone World Congress, (Kyoto, Japan: International Ozone Association, 1997), Vol. 2, pp. 657-660.
León O.S., Merino N., Menéndez S., Castillo R., Sam S., Pérez L. and Cruz E. "Ozone oxidative preconditioning: a protection against cellular damage by free radicals", Proc. of the 13th Ozone World Congress, (Kyoto, Japan: International Ozone Association, 1997), Vol. 2, pp. 707-712.
Díaz R. and Márquez A."Medium frequency pulse train ozone generation", Proc. of the 13th Ozone World Congress, (Kyoto, Japan: International Ozone Association, 1997), Vol. 2, pp. 797-801.
12th Ozone World Congress, March 1995, Lille (France)
Díaz S., Menéndez S., Eng L. and Fernández I. "No increase in sister chromatid exchanges and micronuclei frequencies in human lymphocytes exposed to ozone in vitro", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3, pp. 43-52.
Wong R., Menéndez S., Castañer J., Pérez P. and Abreu A. "Ozone therapy in ischemic cardiopathy", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3, pp. 73-77.
Menéndez S., Ferrer L. and Pérez Z. "Ozone therapy and magneto therapy: New methods for the rehabilitation of patients with simple chronic glaucoma", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3, pp. 99-106.
Hernández F., Menéndez S. and I. Álvarez I. "Blood and tissue biochemical study of normo and hypercholesterolemic rabbits treated with ozone", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3.
Menéndez S., Iglesias O., Bidot C., Puga R., and Carballo A. "Application of ozone therapy in children with humoral immunity deficiency", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3.
Basabe E., Menéndez S., Segarra F. and Ponce de Leon M. "Ozone therapy like a favoring element in the rehabilitation of children with hearing loss", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3.
Menéndez S., Grillo R., Falcon L., Daniel R. and Díaz W. "Onicomycosis treated with ozonized oil", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3.
Menéndez S., Rebull J.L., Molerio J. and Díaz W. "Application of ozonized oil ovules in the treatment of vulvovaginitis preliminary study", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3.
Menéndez S., Cruz O., Reyes O., Labaut D., Cruz O., Eng L. and Díaz W. "Application of ozonized oil ovules in the treatment of infected radicule conduits", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3.
Menéndez S., González M.E., Blanco Rabasa E. and Eng L. "Application of ozonized oil in the treatment of infantile giardiasis", Proc. of the 12th Ozone World Congress, (Lille, France: International Ozone Association, 1995), Vol. 3.
11th Ozone World Congress, August 29 - September 3 1993, San Francisco (USA)
Hernández F., Menéndez S. and Wong R. "Effect of endovenous ozone therapy on lipid pattern and antioxidante response of ischemia cardiopathy patientes", Proc. of the 11th Ozone World Congress, (San Francisco, USA: International Ozone Association, 1993), Vol. 2.
Menéndez S., Espinosa E., Caplan J.A. and Díaz W. "Application of medical ozone therapy in patientes with sickle cell anemia. Preliminary report", Proc. of the 11th Ozone World Congress, (San Francisco, USA: International Ozone Association, 1993), Vol. 2.
Barber E., Menéndez S., Gómez-Barry H., Barber M.O., Galvizu K. and Cabañas N. "Functional renal and structural study of organs in rats treated with ozone by rectal insufflaction", Proc. of the 11th Ozone World Congress, (San Francisco, USA: International Ozone Association, 1993), Vol. 2.
Prieto E., Montejo L., Méndez del Castillo D., Menéndez S., Bello D., Jonson J. and Carvajal E. "Evaluation of ozone genotoxicity by cytogenetics techniques", Proc. of the 11th Ozone World Congress, (San Francisco, USA: International Ozone Association, 1993), Vol. 2.
Santiesteban R., Menéndez S., Francisco M. and Luis S. "Ozone therapy in the optic nerve disfunction", Proc. of the 11th Ozone World Congress, (San Francisco, USA: International Ozone Association, 1993), Vol. 2.
Devesa E., Menéndez S., Rodríguez M.M., Gómez M., García J., Carballo A. and Díaz W. "Ozone therapy in ischemic cerebro-vascular desease", Proc. of the 11th Ozone World Congress, (San Francisco, USA: International Ozone Association, 1993), Vol. 2.
Rodríguez M.M., Menéndez S., Devesa E., García J., Carrasaco M., Carballo A. and Díaz W. "Ozone therapy for senile dementia", Proc. of the 11th Ozone World Congress, (San Francisco, USA: International Ozone Association, 1993), Vol. 2.
Molerio J., Pérez-Rey R., Millan I., Bataller M., Arteaga M.E., Hernández J. and Montes A. "Ozone treatment of water for the breeding of laboratory animals free from pathogenic germs (SPF) through a fully-automated system", Proc. of the 11th Ozone World Congress, (San Francisco, USA: International Ozone Association, 1993), Vol. 2.
Bataller M., Pérez-Rey R., Fernández L.A., Molerio J., Gómez M., Gonzalez L. and Alvarez C. "THM formation control by surface water preozonation", Proc. of the 11th Ozone World Congress, (San Francisco, USA: International Ozone Association, 1993), Vol. 2.
10th Ozone World Congress, March 1991, Monaco
Bataller M., Pérez-Rey R., Molerio J., Gómez M., Fernández L.A. and Amador A. "First Cuban experience of full-scale water ozonation", Proc. of the 10th Ozone World Congress, (Monaco: International Ozone Association, 1991), Vol. 2.
Noa M., Hernández F., Herrera S., Menéndez S., Capote A. and Aguilar C. "Morphological observations in rats treated with ozono by intramuscular applications", Proc. of the 10th Ozone World Congress, (Monaco: International Ozone Association, 1991), Vol. 3.
Gell A., Menéndez S., Gómez M., Ruiz A., Pérez O., Lastre M. and Eng L. "Evaluation of ozone therapy in humans and in animals infected with Giardia lamblia", Proc. of the 10th Ozone World Congress, (Monaco: International Ozone Association, 1991), Vol. 3.
Wong R., Gómez M., Menéndez S., and Ceballos A. "Ozone therapy in arthrosis", Proc. of the 10th Ozone World Congress, (Monaco: International Ozone Association, 1991), Vol. 3.
8th Ozone World Congress, September 1987, Zurich (Switzerland)
Pérez-Rey R., Gómez M., and Ramos R. "Ozone reactions with carbohydrates in aqueous medium", Proc. of the 8th Ozone World Congress, Zurich, Switzerland: International Ozone Association, 1987).
Ramos R., Pérez-Rey R., Gómez M., Molerio J., Menéndez S., Bataller M., Fernández L.A., Pérez G. and Iglesias G. "Disinfection of mineral waters by ozonation in Cuba", Proc. of the 8th Ozone World Congress, Zurich, Switzerland: International Ozone Association, 1987).