Changes of immunological response after experimentally ozonated autohemoadministration in calves.

Changes of immunological response after experimentally ozonated autohemoadministration in calves.

Department of Kushiro, Agricultural Mutual Relief Association, Tsurui, Hokkaido, Japan.

Changes in subsets of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and lymphocyte blastogenesis reaction were observed after ozonated autohemoadministration (OAHA) in calves. Ten healthy calves were used in this study. After OAHA, CD8+ cells, CD14+ cells and WCl+cells increased (p<0.05). The level of lymphocyte blastogenesis stimulated by PHA decreased after OAHA. A significant increase in serum IL-6 activity was observed in OAHA calves. These results suggested that OAHA induced immunological changes in calves.


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