3473 Reducing Barriers to Care in Patients Managed with Ozone

H. DOMINGO1, L. ABU-NABA'A2, H.M. AL SHORMAN1, J. HOLMES1, R. FREEMAN1, and E. LYNCH1, 1 Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom, 2 Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan

Ozone has been shown to clinically reverse occlusal and root carious lesions. Objectives: To compare the efficacy of Ozone treatment of caries using the HealOzone unit (CurOzone USA and KaVo, Germany) in various studies, and assess the potential savings to centrally-funded dental healthcare related to the treatment of caries with Ozone in UK. Methods: Data from 20 randomised, controlled, double-blind, clinical trials, showing the effective reversal of dental caries after Ozone treatment were compared. Data was obtained on the type, number and cost of restorative care procedures carried out in UK. Results were used to extrapolate the potential savings to centrally-funded dental healthcare. Results: Ozone treatment significantly reversed decay in every study with reversal range of 83%-99%. In 2 studies, when ozone treatment was combined with the daily use of a remineralising toothpaste, mouthrinse and spray, the reversal of caries was 99% The success rates were lower in the populations with a higher caries incidence and prevalence than in populations with a lower caries rate. Ozone treatment was most effective for early pit and fissure caries as well as non-cavitated primary root caries. In the UK if 90% of occlusal decay can be reversed using Ozone, a potential saving of up to 112 million pounds a year could be made. These savings represent a win-win situation for all concerned; countries potentially can save large sums of money, and patients no longer are consigned to increasingly more complex and costly restorative care, culminating in potential tooth loss and reduced quality of life. In the developing and under-developed countries, these savings may have a huge impact on the cost of the provision of dental healthcare.

Conclusions: Ozone can be an effective alternative to conventional "drilling and filling" for early carious lesions. The potential savings to state-funded dental care are large

Seq #359 - Clinical Preventive and Restorative Studies 10:15 AM-11:30 AM, Saturday, 13 March 2004 Hawaii Convention Center Exhibit Hall 1-2

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Reducing Barriers to Care in Patients Managed with Ozone H. DOMINGO1, L. ABUNABA'A2, H.M. AL SHORMAN1, J. HOLMES1, R. FREEMAN1, and E. LYNCH1 Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom, 2 Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan


3468 Reversal of Occlusal Caries using Air Abrasion, Ozone, and Sealing


Ozone Treatment of Root Caries after 18-Months