1032 The Evaluation of a Novel Whitening Product's Ability to Whiten Teeth
R.E. CORDERO1 , D.J. BROWN2 , L. BORDEN3 , J.P. BOWMAN3 , J. LIEBMAN3 , and S. MASON1 , 1 HillTop Research Inc, West Palm Beach, FL, USA, 2 Dentovations Inc, Boston, MA, USA, 3 Hill Top Research Inc, West Palm Beach, FL, USA
Objectives: To evaluate the ability of a novel and experimental, home usage, brush-on, peroxide based technology to lighten toothshade when applied twice daily over a period of two weeks. A secondary objective was to evaluate the safety of this product on the oral soft tissue.
Methods: Twenty subjects were screened and enrolled into this study. At the baseline visit a dentist performed an oral exam and a shade assessment of the maxillary anterior teeth. All subjects had a score of A2 or greater. Subjects were instructed to ‘paint' the product onto their teeth twice daily for 30 minutes. All subjects also received an ADA Accepted Toothbrush (Soft Adult) and Crest® Regular Toothpaste to use at home during the course of the study. Subjects also completed a questionnaire concerning their tooth shade perception and product characteristics. Subjects were re-examined after 7 and 14 days of product usage.
Results: Seventeen subjects (2 male/15 female) between the ages of 18 and 59 years of age completed this study. At the termination of the study the statistical analysis of the Vita Shade scores indicated that the Dentovations Experimental Brush-On Whitening product significantly lightened the teeth at Day 7 (p<0.007) and at Day 14 (p<0.0001). The average improvement was 1.68 shade changes (Day 7) and 3.64 shade changes (Day 14). There were only minor, transient oral adverse events recorded at Day 3 and Day 7. Out of 17 subjects, only one subject reported mild intermittent tooth sensitivity. Based on the subjective questionnaire, the subjects liked the product, thought it was easy to apply and percieved it lightened their teeth.
Conclusions: Dentovations Experimental Brush-On-Whitening product was shown to be effective when used at home twice daily for 30 minutes. The product lightened teeth four Vita Shade changes (up to eight Vita Shade changes) after 14 days. Seq #133 - Whitening 11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Friday, 14 March 2003 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Exhibit Hall C