0892 Two-week Clinical Trial Comparing an 18% Carbamide Peroxide Paint-on Gel with Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Strips

I. MAGNUSSON1 , K.A. KARPINIA1 , M.L. BARKER2 , and R.W. GERLACH2 , 1 University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 2 The Procter & Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA

Objective: This study evaluated the clinical response of a new, peroxidecontaining paint-on gel relative to a marketed control having a similar pretreatment peroxide concentration. Methods: 32 adults were randomized to Colgate® Simply WhiteTM, an 18% carbamide peroxide paint-on liquid in an applicator bottle, or Crest® Whitestrips®, a 6.0% hydrogen peroxide gel on a whitening strip. Participants were supplied with the manufacturers usage instructions specifying twice daily 30-minute treatment. Efficacy was measured objectively as L*a*b* color change using digital images of the maxillary anterior teeth after 1 & 2 weeks treatment.

Results: All subjects made all visits, and were included in the analysis. Week 1 adjusted means and standard errors for ∆b* (yellowness) were –0.3 ± 0.12 for the paint-on group compared to –1.6 ± 0.12 for the strip group, while lightness/brightness (∆L*) means were 0.3 ± 0.18 and 1.7 ± 0.18 in the paint-on and strip groups, respectively. Outcomes were consistent after 2 weeks, with 94% of strip users and 25% of paint-on users experiencing at least a 1-unit improvement in b*. All (100%) of strip users and 19% of paint-on users had at least a 1-unit improvement in lightness at Week 2. Between-group comparisons showed highly significant (p < 0.0001) greater color improvement for the strip group compared to the paint-on gel. For ∆b*, ∆L* and the composite measures ∆E* and ∆W*, one week use of whitening strips resulted in significant (p ≤ 0.0001) color improvement relative to that seen following two weeks use of the paint-on gel. Both treatments were well tolerated.

Conclusion: One week use of 6.0% whitening strips resulted in superior whitening compared to two-weeks use of an 18% carbamide peroxide paint-on liquid. (This research was sponsored by The Procter & Gamble Co.) Seq #100 - Clinical Evaluations of Bleaching/Tooth Whitening 3:45 PM-5:00 PM, Thursday, 26 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B


0260 Correlation of Bleaching Color Changes and Tooth Sensitivity with 10%-CP


Taken from the IADR www site, 10 March 2005 Baltimore Convention Center 327