0611 Sensitivity Associated with Tooth Whitening

R. CALLAN, W.D. BROWNING, M. MYERS, J.S. BLALOCK, K. FRAZIER, and D.C.N. CHAN, Medical College of Georgia, School of Dentistry, Augusta, USA


Post-operative sensitivity affects a number of people during whitening. Some discontinue treatment. The purpose of this randomized, doubleblind clinical trial was to investigate postoperative sensitivity associated with two commercially-available whitening agents. Both are reputed to cause little sensitivity. The hypothesis that there is a significant difference between materials was tested at alpha = 5%. Methods: 32 subjects have been recruited to date. After gaining informed consent, subjects received NiteWhite Excel 2Z 10% (Discus Dental), group NW, or Rembrandt Xtra Comfort 12% (Den Mat), group RXC. Materials were handled according to the manufacturer's instructions. A value-ordered Vita shade guide (C4 = 1 to B1=16) was used to evaluate color. Exams were at baseline, one week, two weeks and four weeks. Active treatment was during the first two weeks only. Participants used a daily log to record the presence/absence of sensitivity. The number of days participants experienced sensitivity of the teeth or soft tissues was recorded. Sensitivity from multiple sources was additive; e.g., gingival and throat sensitivity on the same day counted as two days of sensitivity. The final measure was expressed as a percentage of the number of days spent actively whitening.

Results: For RXC 24.8% of days whitening resulted in sensitivity, while for NW it was 15.5%. There was a significant difference between groups (Chi Square; p = 0.025). The median shade tab at baseline was 6.5 for RXC and 7.0 for NW. A Repeated Measures ANOVA on ranks found a significant difference in shade between evaluations for both materials (p < 0.001).

Conclusion: For this group of people, NW subjects experienced less postoperative sensitivity. Supported by Ultradent Products, Inc. Seq #83 - Clinical Evaluations of Tooth Whitening, Dental Devices, Ceramics, and Provisional Materials 3:45 PM-5:00 PM, Thursday, 13 March 2003 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Exhibit Hall C


1958 Zero Sensitivity Tooth Whitening


0260 Correlation of Bleaching Color Changes and Tooth Sensitivity with 10%-CP